Lomography @ photokina
The time has come for photography lovers to hit Cologne and get into the photokina mood. Our interactive booth consisting of seven stations will be an eerie area where all circus fantasies can be fulfilled and where you will have the chance to experience all kinds of visual pleasures, from watching to doing. From our Lomokino Set to our workshops or even our sales area, the circus spirit will definitely be spread. Did you always dream of being an acrobat or a juggler? We bet every inch of our 500 square-meter booth will delight you.
Walk from one station to another to uncover a multifaceted circus that will simply make you forget everything else around you. Discover a lively analogue adventure and join the Lomography Analogue Circus for an everlasting show you will never forget. Our Lomography Analogue Circus team awaits you eagerly in Cologne and is looking forward to sprinkling a little bit of magic in the air.