We will give away 1000 free cameras for your best LomoLocation shooting proposals in Germany and the rest of the world, which will be included in the LomoWorldArchive to build one of the most amazing projects of our time: The LomoWorldMap. Quickly read through the 8 steps which will explain how to step in front of the Lomography Analogue Arts Juror to walk away with a camera and become part of the project that will shake the world of analogue photography: the LomoWorldMap Project.
Follow these 8 steps... | What is a LomoLocation? | Why do we need this? | Why should you submit...? | What is a Shooting Proposal? | The Analog Arts Juror

Follow these 8 steps to get your FREE camera:
1. Think about your favorite LomoLocation in Germany or other parts of the world
2. Think about the way you would like to present your LomoLocation Shooting Proposal
-> Download the proposal here, fill it out and bring it with you the Photokina
3. Come to our booth to sign up for a meeting with The Lomography Analogue Arts Juror at his desk
4. Pitch your idea in your own special way
5. If the juror likes your LomoLocation Shooting Proposal, you get a free Lomographic camera immediately
6. Leave your house with your camera(s) and go, drive, ride or dance to your location and shoot (yourself only or with a nice group) until you drop
7. Go to our website for further instructions on how to be a part of the LomoWorldMap Project– to upload photography and texts
8. Visit the LomoWorldMap Germany Exhibition at Photokina 2012, have a look at the gigantic LomoWorldMap in front of the Cologne Cathedral and enjoy your photos being part of this unbelievable project.
for any questions please contact photokina@lomography.com
What the hell is a LomoLocation?
A LomoLocation is a place of Lomographic interest, a location Lomographers should visit to take Lomographs, meet people and enjoy local (sub)culture. But also an online feature where we enable people to see pictures from unique places, read about the personal stories that were added to them and and understand the world a little better.
Possible LomoLocations:
- A place that just looks great to the eye of a Lomographer
- Cultural places and events
- Places and events of political or social interest
- Places of natural and environmental interest
Take a look at “Lomography nearby”, here you’ll see a selection of unique LomoLocations in Cologne, all made by enthusiastic local Lomographers. Use it for inspiration to suggest your own location.
Why do we need LomoLocations?
The online LomoLocations feature is a tool for all Lomographers to search and find great locations throughout the world to visit, read about, to shoot pictures etc.
-> www.lomography.com/magazine/locations
To create our Lomography City Guides series.
-> microsites.lomography.com/vienna_city_guide
LomoWorldMap Project & Exhibitions: The first one will be the giant LomoWorldMap Germany Exibition at photokina 2012
-> microsites.lomography.com/photokina2010/the-lomoworldmap
Why should you create and submit LomoLocations?
1. To be part of the biggest Lomography project ever: the LomoWorldMap Project
2. To publish your Lomographic art and writing in front of millions of people (online and exhibitions)
3. To win free cameras here at photokina 2010
4. To get valuable piggy points online at Lomography.com
What the hell is a LomoLocation Shooting Proposal?
A LomoLocation Shooting Proposal is a proposal of your favorite LomoLocation which you want to add to the LomoWorldMap Project.
This application must contain:
- A brief description of the LomoLocation and/or the theme of your shooting project
- Who will do the shooting of the pictures (either you or you with a group)
- If group: description of the group
- How will you organize it
- When do you expect to upload the LomoLocation(s)
- Description of the planned content (which Lomographic camera do you want to use, what kind of text will you write)
Download the proposal here, fill it out, bring it with you the Photokina and do your LomoLocation Shooting Proposal at our booth at photokina 2010. Present your LomoLocation in front of The Lomography Analogue Arts Juror in any way you like: written, in spoken words, with drawings and sketches, singing, performing etc.
The Lomography Analog Arts Juror
The Lomography Analog Arts Jurors are highly experienced, motivated and decorated Lomographers, spontaneously selected by the Lomographic Society International. Friendly, positive thinking, proactive Lomography facilitators – you will see!